Here you can find my recent YouTube videos about Android and Full-Stack development and the latest tech trends.
- Feb 15 2025OtherGoodbye Fleet as the official Kotlin Multiplatform IDE
- Feb 02 2025OtherHow To Create a Kotlin Coroutine Scope INSIDE suspend Functions for Async/Launch!
- Jan 19 2025OtherDon't Fall For This Trap Using Kotlin Flow Combine
- May 15 2024OtherGoogle Announced Official Kotlin Multiplatform Support!! Flutter in danger?
- Apr 24 2024OtherMaster Internationalization (i18n) And Resource Management in Compose Multiplatform
- Apr 14 2024OtherTest Your Android App On Real Physical Devices Using Firebase Device Streaming
- Mar 24 2024OtherDrag And Drop Content From App To App With Jetpack Compose | Android Tutorial
- Mar 10 2024OtherFirst Time Trying The New Compose Multiplatform Composable Preview: Let's Explore It Together!
- Feb 18 2024OtherHow To React On A Single Lifecycle Event In #Android #JetpackCompose #mobileappdevelopment #kotlin
- Feb 11 2024OtherHow To React On Lifecycle Events In Jetpack Compose | Android Tutorial
- Dec 24 2023OtherHow To Use Koin As Dependency Injection Framework For Kotlin & Compose Multiplatform - KMP Tutorial
- Nov 27 2023OtherMeet Voyager: A Kotlin Compose Multiplatform Navigation Solution
- Nov 12 2023OtherCode Once, Run Everywhere: Kotlin & Compose Multiplatform Introduction
- Oct 08 2023OtherMaster Adaptive Screen Sizes For Foldable Support In Your Jetpack Compose Android App
- Sep 21 2023OtherHow to Use CameraX With Android Jetpack Compose To Implement In-App Photo Capturing
- Sep 03 2023OtherEasy ViewModel UI State Testing in Android with KotlinX Coroutine Test and Turbine Library
- Aug 04 2023OtherIntegrating Google's ML Kit with CameraX and Android Jetpack Compose: Text Recognition in Real-Time
- Jul 20 2023OtherPaging3 with Jetpack Compose & Android Room: Optimize Your Android App with Pagination!
- Jul 11 2023OtherMy Takeaways From The Droidcon Berlin 2023 | Kotlin Multiplatform & Beyond
- Jul 03 2023OtherUse GitHub Copilot To Speed Up Your Development Process | Programming Tutorial and Review